Logo and tag

We Love Logos!

We have been in the promotional products industry for 12 years. We love logos and love to think of ways to show them off. If you are looking for a great way to get your logo or your name out, We can help. Use all of our industry-specific updates, magazines, educational seminars, trade shows and experience to your advantage. Let's work together to create a great program, trade show giveaways or get some great pens for the office. Let's get together for lunch. You tell us about your company and your goals, We'll create a customized product plan to meet your business needs. We'll find creative and unique promotional products that will work for you.

Specialties Include:

Food Gifts, Promotional Products, Promotional Items, Giveaways, Embroidery, Screen Printing, Screenprinting, Corporate Gift, Promotions, Lanyards, Imprinted, Custom Promotional Item, Business Promotional Product, Incentives, Recognition, Awards, Client Gifts, Holiday Gifts, Eco Friendly

Brows these these catalogs to see some of what we offer and to get some great ideas!

scroll and click on a catalog to open in a new window. If you have any questions or if you would like to see a sample of something please give us a call or send us an email.

Certifications & Affiliations

Find us at:

Member of Americas Best Comapnies

LinkedIn at http://www.linkedin.com/in/serenasimmons

Twitter @SerenaLSimmons

We Serve Nationwide

 Greensboro NC 

Phone: 336.210.2737
